What would be the best way for me to fulfill my professional goals and deal with the politics in my work place?
Office politics are natural and necessary. When a group of diverse people come together for a purpose, and decisions need to be made collectively, politics emerge and are the foundation of decision making. You cannot change how others will behave in this environment, you can only control how you decide to interact within the political climate. Be aware of derailers; people who offset the balance and hinder progress. They are the people who obsessed with controlling the situation, people who undercontribute, people who always judge others unfairly, and people who are disruptive for the sake of being disruptive. By being able to contribute in a meaningful way and not aligning with derailers, you will emerge as a comparatively valuable worker. Stay positive and don’t engage in gossip. Upward mobility is a process. It requires, belief in yourself, faith that it will happen, and avoiding the negative thoughts that it won’t. Patience and perseverance are the key. If you allow negative thoughts, then that is what you will attract. If you believe in yourself and stay positive, you will attract positive outcomes. A level of trust in the operation of a Higher Law is necessary to take this path, and comes about first, by having the faith that it works.
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